Thursday, September 14, 2006

Remember 9/11

Remember 9/11 and those people who died unjustly and so suddendly. I know it is a few days past but I thought that I should write how I felt about the day of days that changed America forever. I can remember that day like it was yesterday and I can still feel all the sadness and pain and the why. We learned that day that we are not as safe as we thought we were. We learned that day that just because we are "the best" we are not. I hope and pray that this will not come to pass again. But we know now that this may not be so. There is so much evil out there that hates the American way of life. They can't seem to understand how we can be so free. Always remember 9/11!

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Hey there anyone who read this needs to click on the soaphoto link on the side and look for gadgetboy and see some of my photos. You need to be a member to vote and or leave coments. I hope to have even more photos and better ones in the future. Also please read some of my stuff below and leave your coments please

Friday, June 02, 2006

Keeping Records

WASHINGTON - The head of the FBI says Internet companies should retain customer records for two years to help the federal government investigate not only porn but also terrorism. Top U.S. law enforcement officials have told Internet companies they must retain customer records longer to help in child pornography and terrorism investigations, and they are considering asking Congress to require preservation of records.
Well here we go the government wants to see, hear, and read everything that you and I do.  Sure they say they want it for Terrorist and Child Pornography which is fine I hope they can find these people.  However I will say it again No government has The Right to be in my home weather in person over the phone or on the internet without my knowledge and proper court papers.  When they get into your daily life you WILL NOT BE FREE.  That government will control every part of your life.  Stop the government from taking away your right to privacy and your freedoms.  Write o your congress person now!

Monday, April 10, 2006


The new immigration laws coming fourth in this great country of our has really brought a new hard challenge that we must all face.  As we try to understand the meaning of immigration and how America has really been build around it.  The United States of America has truly been built by those who have come to its shores and from across parts of its boarders.  However it has always been legal immigration that has been at the fore front of this building up of this country not illegal immigration.
The new law(s) that are come fourth will now make it clear how the United State stand and where it wants to go with immigration in the future.  I am almost a 100% supportive of these laws.  I would however make some changes, let the 11 million illegal become citizen with one exception.  Not being aloud to vote in the coming election.  Also if they leave the country for more than a year and come back without the proper means these people will be deemed criminals and will be dealt with accordingly. This should be a sort of short term punishment for not coming to America through the proper means.  However once this bill has been passed those illegals that come into the country after this time will and should be thought as criminal.
This thought process make sense, because those who come to America illegally are in a sense stealing from me you and their next door neighbor.  This is being done in the form of FREE health care FREE Welfare (which needs to be changed anyway) and FREE or reduced higher education.  These benefits should only be for those who are citizen and have been living here for at least a year or more as such.  The United States of America IS NOT (and should not be) a free ride to unlimited government help, we should all be self supportive.
All in all this issue is not about the type of jobs that illegal take because others don’t want them.  It is about keeping the country save and stopping the billion and billion of dollars in tax money feeding, caring for and teaching these people who should not be receiving this help until they have become and equal and legal citizen of this great country.

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