Sunday, June 25, 2006


Hey there anyone who read this needs to click on the soaphoto link on the side and look for gadgetboy and see some of my photos. You need to be a member to vote and or leave coments. I hope to have even more photos and better ones in the future. Also please read some of my stuff below and leave your coments please

Friday, June 02, 2006

Keeping Records

WASHINGTON - The head of the FBI says Internet companies should retain customer records for two years to help the federal government investigate not only porn but also terrorism. Top U.S. law enforcement officials have told Internet companies they must retain customer records longer to help in child pornography and terrorism investigations, and they are considering asking Congress to require preservation of records.
Well here we go the government wants to see, hear, and read everything that you and I do.  Sure they say they want it for Terrorist and Child Pornography which is fine I hope they can find these people.  However I will say it again No government has The Right to be in my home weather in person over the phone or on the internet without my knowledge and proper court papers.  When they get into your daily life you WILL NOT BE FREE.  That government will control every part of your life.  Stop the government from taking away your right to privacy and your freedoms.  Write o your congress person now!

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